Friday 4 January 2013

Technical difficulties

The apocalypse didn't happen! Unfortunately, no one told my computer that. It proceeded to give itself a Viking funeral the day that the world didn't end, and as I was on the road the bastard didn't go into the shop until yesterday. The money that was going to become a pair of boots that don't leak and a waterproof jacket - as well as a few months of food that isn't eggs and rice - will now be turned into a new motherboard, with fingers crossed that all that cash will rescucitate the thing. C'est la vie. There will, hopefully, be more and more pertinent thoughts once I've regained the lost ground; coursework deadlines are less than a week away and I'm not sure at this point what to toss out in order to keep the slavering beasts at bay.

Random tip - when you're in a foul mood and a lecturer asks a stupid question via e-mail, log off and walk away until you can give an answer that doesn't strip paint and melt bone with its pure acidity. And yes, lecturers ask stupid questions.

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